Monday, November 21, 2011

Southern Christmas Show 2011

Oh my!  I know it has been a minute.  I have so much to share with you all.  Thank you for your patience and your continued following. 

So, last week, I was able to go to the Southern Christmas Show here in Charlotte. It was absolutely wonderful. It is so refreshing to see all the gifts and talents of so many people from all over the country.  Here are some of the highlights from my visit. 

First up is this gorgeous Christmas wreath.  It is made from Deco Mesh.  It is seems as if this all the rage this year because this stuff was everywhere you turned in various colors.

Next, is this simple but elegant copper bracelet.  I just had to get my hands one one of these.  There were others with beads and baubles on them, but I really loved the simplicity of this kind.

Now, this just took both my assistant and my breath away. It is a dress, vest, belt, purse and earrings made from recycled bottle tops from soda cans.  I couldn't believe my eyes. It was truly unique and a pretty penny as well.

And finally, these necklaces with the flowers made from t-shirts seem to be another big hit this year.  It is so simple, but again, so elegant.

There were many, many, many vendors and shops and so much to see.  I just wanted to give you a little taste of what was there.  Hope it gives you some ideas for starting your Christmas shopping and once again, Happy Crafting!!

1 comment:

  1. I went one year and LOVED it, so mnay wonderful things to see, but this year we've been to busy to go :-( Thanks for sharing the pictures! Glad you go to go and had a Wonderful time! -Samantha :-)


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